NZFurry details: Karlamon

Name:Karlamoncharacter picture
Species/Sex:Akita-wolf hybrid/male
Description:Part-akita, part-wolf, Karlamon is a semi-shy but friendly canine, always happy to help out in things. However, he can get stressed from overwork and worries quite a lot. He loves nachos, computers, planes (hence the goggles) and see's Balto as his true idol.

Personal Details

Real name:Karl (male)user picture
Birthday:March 4

Contact details

Home page:
Home page:
Home page:
Home page:
Home page:
Home page:
Furnet IRC:Karlamon


Hai there guys. My names Karl and I'm a semi-shy furry with Asperger's syndrome, but really keen on meeting a fur in real life. I like animation, canines, computers, planes, and of course Balto and Bolt! So if you like those, I'm sure we will get on well! ^^

Always welcome for hugs. :3

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