Hi. I'm kinda new here. I discovered the fandom through the EML report, trolled some furs, became a self loathing closet fur, found my gf's a fur, looked into the fandom properly, put up some crappy music and became massively proud of being in the fandom. I'm usually open for any conversation and can't wait to meet up with some other JAFAs.
On a semi-related note, is anyone attending Xmas in the park in Aucks? In case you guys haven't noticed, I'm totally jumping at the chance to meet some furs as the only ones I know IRL are the missus and the friends I've introduced to the fandom.
(Dear Lord I talk too much)
Hey if you want to met up I head in to town quite allot, you can flick me a message any time and I'll see how what I'm up to